
A collection of my thoughts on data science

Strategies for managing big data

How to handle situations where you data doesn't fit in memory

September 17, 2021
Speeding up neural network training with multiple GPUs and Dask

An analysis of the benefits of using multiple workers with GPUs to train a Pytorch model in parallel

August 19, 2021
Making Shiny apps mobile friendly

Use Bootstrap to get your apps to do exactly what you want

August 5, 2021
Introducing ggirl

An R package that lets you make ggplots in real life

April 12, 2021
Merge conflicts: helping data science students merge their advanced skills into existing teams

By Allison Horst and Jacqueline Nolis

What do we do about students trained in R and Python for jobs with Excel, Google Sheets and Access?

March 31, 2021
Running background R jobs in Shiny

How to make long running tasks persist after closing a session

March 19, 2021
Hugo for fussy people

How to make a Hugo theme that looks exactly like you want it to

February 21, 2021
Predicting tubing trip times with current speed data

A statistical model that's just the thing for a better trip with your friends

November 26, 2020
Pretending to have a SQL database with RStudio

All the fun of SQL with nothing to manage

July 29, 2020
R Docker faster

R Docker images will build much faster thanks to RStudio's package manager

July 6, 2020